
By Beckett

SOME JOY......

..... if I can, thought should have a colourful Blip today after the devastation from the bushfires mentioned yesterday.

Thank you to all who have asked sent wishes to the poor souls involved, and the unbelievable job being done by the Rural Fire Service men and women, who in most case do it all voluntary.
They unfortunately are still burning on many fronts through the State, and locally at Winmalee and Faulconbridge still an issue. There is not a confirmed number yet but looks like up to 100 homes lost in that area. Just a ferocious afternoon!

Thankfully today the cool change brought lower temperatures and so far the wind has not risen, but forecasts unfortunately for a similar bad weather day on Monday.

To my Blip.... our Hippeastrums have finally opened, and always give a wonderful show of colour. Info courtesy of the ole WIKI.

Enjoy, and have a look in LARGE.

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