
By kas18


Hi Tom

My day was busy as far as exercising goes. You caught me this morning going for my swim. It's strange that I'm getting up and it's your bedtime. Then Danny came and did some personal training with me. I wasn't going to have him today but he called and I was free. It's was hard work..maybe I'll be busy next time he calls. He asked after you and was pleased your doing so well. Then tonight I went to my boxersize class. Just as well I did as there were very few there.

I didn't go anywhere today because of Oscar and Alex. But they are both fine. Alex has removed the tube and that along with the machine has been returned to the hospital. Let's hope they sort it out. Oscar is running around like his normal self.

I looked out of the window and saw the reflection on the ornamental ball on the decking. You can see quite a lot in the reflection. I think it's rather nice. It makes you think about different kinds of reflections. Reflecting back on my life. Hoping I've been a good mum. Hoping I've been a good wife. Wondering what would have happened if my parents hadn't encouraged me to swim all those years ago.

I hope you reflect on your life when your as old as me and think that what you are doing now was one of the best experiences of your life.

Good luck in the game tonight. I think I'll go and watch it now x

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