Pictures & Woodwork.

By PeterB

'Turning' the bowl itself.

In my previous blip, the outside of the bowl is complete now, so I have turned the bowl around and now 'turning' the shape of the bowl.

I am approximately half way through the operation in this shot, so there is a lot more work on it yet before it is finished.

I will have to sand it, seal it, then coat the inside of the bowl with a food oil, so the bowl can be used for food purposes.

You will see from the shot, I have already sanded and sealed the outside of the bowl. The grain of the wood really stands out and makes the bowl very attractive.

When I have finished the bowl I will give it a final and thorough polishing, but that will be after the food oil has dried into the wood. Polishing will be done with a clean dry cloth.

When that has been completed, I will blip the finished product.

Next instalment soon..............


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