8 Double Yolkers

..... further to my blip of 11 October, wowzer, this is really becoming more and more of a miracle! LOL!

Charmaine made Oats Crunchies again today, and believe me, 8 of the 9 eggs she cracked open, were double yolkers again, only the slightly bigger one in the foreground was a single!

This brings the total, out of the 19 we cracked to date, 13 were double yolks, in other words, out of the 19 eggs we used, we 'scored' 33 egg yolks! Please do read the links on my blip for the 11th to see the opinion of the 'experts'? There are still 11 of the 30 in the fridge, I promise to let you know what happened when we cracked them! Hehe!

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