Ouch Couch!

'O' is for Ouch! Hiehiehie

By hook or by crook, I wil stick to my alphabet challenge!! ;o)

Gesiggie lying all curled up in an 'Ouch Position'! Will she ever realise that Milo and Chino's little bed is too small for her now? I don't think so!

I can report back today, that I feel much better now! My big blue bruise on the chest right above my Right hand side wound is still ugly and swollen, but hey, we know why and it can only get better!! Otherwise I am a bit sore but really nothing serious, I felt really good today!

I went in to school for an hour or so, to discuss all sorts of work related things and I will be going in early tomorrow again to assist S with the Text Book programme, and then I have lots of work to do regarding new students anrolled for 2013, bvut that I do at home. I really want to keep everything as up to date as possible, I don't know what to expect after my second chemo session on Monday 22 October, and I am scared I won't be able to keep all up to date for a few days after the chemo once again.

I have another lovely little visit to look forward for tomorrow as well!! My dear M Letstryit, is coming over for a couple hours tomorrow and we are going to chat away like crazy to catch up!! Woohoo!! Really looking forward to it!!

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