
By antipodean

Tiny Capsicum!

Or tiny pepper, as British people like to say. Dad did an epic amount of gardening today and I actually think we could make a whole meal out of what he planted.

This morning Mum and I went out to pick up my mats from the picture framing shop. She's going to help me mount the photos because she's much better at that sort of thing than I am. We made a morning of it - we went to a lovely little cafe after we'd picked up the mats, and then went to an art shop in Fitzroy to get some acid free tape. I love shops like that - I hardly go in them because there's a very real danger that I'll forget I'm not actually an artist and I'll come out with, like, an easel and a handful of paints.

I spent the afternoon writing away at my essay, and managed to get to the halfway point before calling it quits. I've got to write about 1000 words tomorrow, plus annotate the bibliography, which is a nightmare. Still, I think I can do it!

I am so enamoured with this teeny, tiny capsicum. It's possibly the cutest thing I've ever seen. That's literally all I have to say about this picture!

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