orange creme... a lily

that i'll admit is store bought - i couldn't help myself, people! the weather has turned cold - snow flurries are flying today - i was running errands - and with the wind blowing, i knew i wasn't going to be trudging around outside anywhere once i got home - i believe it's good to have fresh flowers around as well - to perk things up inside the house, too - so why not? every now and then we must indulge - it's a necessity - we owe it to ourselves - i think in some ways - i'd rather cut corners to have some fresh flowers to brighten my day...

and btw - if you think a few flurries flying through the air have caused my naked toots to take up hiding away in closed toed shoes - think again - i'm still wearing my flip flops! i'm a true to heart die hard, people - ice will need to be forming on the sidewalks before i give up the ghost - as i came out of the store today - a lady was pulling on gloves and a hat - i smiled and said "well, it's snowing" - she merely glared at me, staring at my feet - it was all i could do not to burst out laughing - oh, if she could only realize the joy there is - in true tootsie freedom and how it makes for...


happy day.....

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