
Oh come on... you didn't really believe me when I said I'd stop doing the wafty stuff did you? I'm sorry. I just can't help myself. I find macro fascinating and I love abstracts. And now I'm trying the mono thing. This pretty much ticks all those boxes :) AND this floated past my head at 0 dark hundred hours so obviously I was going to use it.

Six cakes posted today. It's been a bit mad. I overslept so went from fully in a very complicated dream to driving G to work in less than three minutes. Not recommended. Got back here just after 6 and started baking then went to collect him at half ten. THEN I went and had my hair cut for the first time in three and a half months. Bliss. I just haven't been able to afford to have it done until now - so thank you cake bake customers, I am thrilled with the result :) x (and there's half an SP on Instagram if you want a toot - same user name)

I specifically went to Tesco this afternoon to look at something for Judith because that's where the nearest Costa is, but then had a bit of a senior moment - spent £38 on things I didn't realise I needed and came home again. Costa completely unmolested.

I've created a pork thing with chipotles and bits and bobs plus griddled corn on the cob with a chilli and lime butter. Unfortunately G appears to be fast asleep so I'll just shovel it in on my own then...

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