
By Yeda

Still Climbing

That's my boy, Lewis (6yrs), who eventually did make it to the top. His Papa safely belayed him back down. My little spider man. Both kids started climbing when we lived in NZ, and I wondered if this was one activity they would be able to continue. We moved to a very rural area, so I didn't get my hopes up that they'd have this opportunity again. Well, I'm happy to report that indeed we did find a new climbing gym, which is way more expensive than what we had in Christchurch and not next door my any means, but no worries mate. The kids didn't skip a beat and showed no signs of rustiness, as they both did a spectacular job of reaching the top over and over again.

We joined another family who are used to doing this outside of a gym, which is the next stop for us. We are now planning future trips to East Coast State Parks, which have loads of trails and climbs suitable for the kids. I'll also learn how to belay and climb outdoors. I'm so excited!

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