Hanging out to dry
The rain has finally stopped, and although the temperature has dropped, it's been a much brighter day, so I took Louis down to the beach quite early this morning. It's a good time to go for a walk as there are lots of people out with their dogs, so Louis gets to socialise and I get to chat to their owners.
I spotted a lot of birds on a jetty so I went to take some photos and was thrilled to see this Cormorant. It was basking in the sun drying it's wings, and fortunately was too far away for Louis to disturb it, so it was there for ages. I had the camera on full zoom, but I'm really pleased with how the pictures have turned out, and it's taken some time to choose which one to blip as I took over 100 shots! I was hoping to capture it in flight, but it didn't move until I'd walked away - I turned round for another look and it had gone, isn't that always the way?
After our walk, I headed to the gym for my Zumba class and had a good workout, but this afternoon I'm at home - I need to do my French homework ready for tomorrow's lesson, and I've got the washing and cleaning to do. So I'll go and get some lunch and then crack on. Hope you're having a good start to the week.
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