Pimelea floribunda..

..also known as rice flowers or banjines.

It is still wildflower season here in the hills and just when I think they are all over, a walk through some favourite bushland provides yet more surprises.
Late afternoon and lovely light accentuate their beauty.
The garden is now looking much tidier thanks to the ministrations of gardener L and big efforts from me and A yesterday (well A slept and I efforted!), I thought getting some seeds and increasing the wildflower population in the front yard might be the way to go.
Some wildflowers take to gardens happily however banjine is not one of them.

From the Greening Australia website:
For Pimelea floribunda (a WA
species), baking seed in the sun
for two summers, resulted in
germination 20 days after watering
in autumn, but there was only
5% seed viability . Smoke and
heat treatments have also been
suggested but success is variable.

Blimey! I think kangaroo paws are the way to go.

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