White Cyclamen

with a pink vignette for Breast Cancer Awareness Month :)

The plants that I bought the other day in a sorry state are doing very well at the moment :)

Another horrible day (what a week to have a holiday, I really hope the weather improves!)..

This morning I'm attempting to get an application form finished and emailed off and this afternoon we have an hour of prayer at church, and another hour this evening, so I'm off to both of those and not planning to do a lot else! After all that's what holidays are about :)

In other news I got a worming tablet from the vets this morning, but unfortunately Billy is not being good at eating it, so I've crushed it...he's still not eaten all of it (in his food)!!! Most annoying because he 'ate' the antibiotic this morning with no problem...

Happy Monday folks :)

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