weather wise! And it shows.
When we awoke the weather was already bad, very bad. So much water came out the heaven and there blew a stormy wind.
We left our home at 10.30 am. With the lightrail to the central station and from there we took the train to Woerden.
At the station my sister Loes and her partner Paul waited there for us in their car and through the most awful weather we drove to their home, beautifully situated in the middle of the polders. The branches of the trees swayed driven by the wind and the water in the canal along the road was almost as high as the shore.
We kept saying of course what an extraordinary weather we suddenly were
A code orange was given, meaning that if not necessary you better did not go outside.
We had a nice time together, talking of our latest adventures, of holiday and in the case of my sister of her work at the 'basis-school'
Despite the terrible weather I stepped outside with Paul to look at the sheep on the meadow and see if I could take some pictures. The strange thing is that being outside was not so bad as it looked from the inside.
We were not blowing away, and the sheep were happy to get some attention and food.
In the afternoon we drove to Kamerik to the birthdayparty of our former neighbours. They both have their birthday in the month of october and a date was chosen for the celebration. Family and friends enjoyed the occasion and there was a lot of talking and laughing.
Then we were brought back tot the station and we arrived safe and sound The Hague and our home.
The following question was of course if I had a picture and after some deliberation I had, a picture.

My haiku:

Holland waterland
I know a cliche, today
More true than ever

And the proverb:

Tussen zeggen en doen ligt een groot water.

Translation: Between saying and doing lies a big water.

The travelling and the filled day left me tired when we came home and I have to admit that I will go to be early and catch up tomorrow

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