Dribs and Drabs of 2014

By RodgerEvans01

Embellishments for the Church.

I had lots of ideas for DDW's October 13th challenge - Embellishment.

"T" has lots of awesome internationally (remember she's also the World Travelling Nurse) gathered jewellery that adorn her daily.

Wolfville, home of Acadia University, has lots of Victoria homes with "gingerbread" facias and shingle designs.

However, we spent yesterday afternoon in Halifax looking for things to jazz up the church where her daughter is getting married next Saturday. The gold and green theme are the brides "colours", and candles are a must for her ceremony. We also picked up a couple of beautiful semi-opaque candle holders for "family" pew markers.

She's ecstatic that her daughter is getting married, and over the moon with her embellishments for the church.

Me, on the other hand, drank way too much beer last night at a local pub. We went to see a Blues band and weren't disappointed. It's all I could do to set this up and practice some "natural" lighting and reflective fill; Natural Lighting is the photo clubs assignment for October.

I must sleep now...

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