Slow Service

Ethel: The service isn't what it used to be here

Maureen: I know, I don't think I can make this cuppa last any longer.

Ethel: Mine is stone cold

Maureen: At least I won't feel guilty if I have a cake

Ethel: And just look at the state of the place. It would take a bit of elbow grease to clean this up

Maureen: Youngsters nowadays, they have no idea about hard work.

Ethel: You're right, Maureen, in my day I scrubbed the house from top to bottom, plucked a chicken for tea and knitted my Keith a balaclava before I'd had my breakfast

Maureen: I know what you mean. I only wanted a cheese and pickle butty you'd think I asked for the moon. Look there's the waitress, call her over Ethel...

Ethel: Excuse me, young lady, I've a bone to pick with you........

I went with Ellen to the vintage market in Stockport. We wandered round you remember those or oh my god I used to have one just like that or Fuzzy Felt...oh I loved that or did you have a Rolf Harris stylophone? or we had one exactly like that!!! It was great fun.

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