This was not the picture I thought I'd be posting for today, as there were plans for a visit to a special garden with a friend and the most beautiful weather to take photos. This climber will turn the most glorious autumn colours over the next few weeks.
Unfortunately, I wasn't able to enjoy any of it, as I suffered a recurrence of my stomach ulcer problem in the early hours and had a miserable painful night. All plans were postponed (including a meal with friends this evening that I'd been really looking forward to) and a visit to the GP was arranged instead. Lots of tests etc, then came away with strong painkillers and gastro pills. Spent the night being sick and feeling horrible, but at least the pain went away.
Will hope to catch up with you all soon.
- 2
- 0
- Panasonic DMC-FZ38
- 1/33
- f/2.8
- 5mm
- 125
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