Friday: Chicago O'Hare

What with long-haul flights, and various time zones, the whole day was spent travelling.  We had an early flight from Vancouver to Chicago where we had a four hour stop over.

Not a lot to do at Chicago, nor were there any great photo opportunities.  I am always a bit worried about taking photos at airports as I think that I will be wrestled to the ground by a large burly officer, for contravening some photo policy.  So this was hastily shot - but when I looked at it, I quite liked this photo for what it says about travelling and how individual a process that can be.  This pictures is full of people but nobody is interacting with anybody else.

Then from Chicago to Munich where I am as I type.  The flight was fine - there had been a slight problem trying to check in online so we were unable to originally have seats together.  For a ridiculously small amount of money, however, we were able to upgrade slightly to premium economy so were able to have more leg room and sit together.  It was entirely worth it.

We'll be home in a few hours - we'll try and keep going as long as we can so as to try and get into the right time zone as quickly as possible.

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