Tasting Color

Almost a year ago, I had a dream. In my dream, there was a tree growing indoors. I stood beneath this low hanging tree, it's leaves so green, it's fruit so red, and it seemed like someone had colored the whole tree with felt markers. The fruit was like giant strawberries, which seemed odd hanging from a tree. While they resembled strawberries, they weren't strawberries.

The flavor of the fruit was so strong, I could taste it just standing under the tree. The richest, sweetest, most vivid flavor.

When I awoke, I imagined that the Tree of Life, mentioned in the Genesis account of the Garden of Eden, must be an extraordinary tree. Something like the tree in my dream. A tree whose fruit could be experienced and tasted, just by standing beneath it. A tree that exuded the intensity of the Life coming from it's Creator.

What I have photographed today is a clear crystal vase, water inside, and sunlight shining through it. This, and a salmon carnation. The reason my camera came out, was the hint of color I saw streaked across the crystal when the sun hit it. Adjusting the light and contrast brought out rainbows of color, rich and vivid. Almost good enough to taste. How does He do it? We've studied light and prisms, but how does He do it? I don't mean, "what do we learn when we study it", I mean how did He come up with that?! He must love color as much as we do. He must get joy out of hiding it in clear objects which, when touched by the sun, become reflections of the intensity of His Life and the amazing, colorful beauty that gives us a hint of His ways.

We so underestimate His desire to be involved in our lives. The wonder placed all around us, tickling our senses, and crying out, "Seek, and you will find. Ask, and it will be given to you. Knock and the door will be opened to you."

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