The Wet Wairapa

It has rained and blown a gale all day, therefore not a good outdoor day. The movies at 10.30 - Smurfs 2 for Ella and I; Planes for Doug and Harry. I don't think I have ever been to an animated movie and have to say it was rather a treat, and those little smurfs are very sweet. McDees for lunch, then some toy shopping. Next into the big pool for a couple of hours. What fun we had, this pool ( as a lot do these days) have a swift river course thingi; round and round we went, exhausting but exhilarating. More toy shopping followed then home to motel for a quiet time. No photos taken so I took the jeep and headed for the hills.....the country is very lush and green (and very wet today) lots of dairy and saw only a few sheep. Four quick pictures taken then back to prepare tea. Just had story time, and all is quiet from the bedroom, we've tired them out totally. Rainie

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