Bumps in the Road

By JimJ

In Knee'd of some TLC

Just under an hour in theatre and the surgeon had me and my knee all wrapped up.

They kept me in hospital for a few more hours but by 2pm I was ready to return home.

Thank you to all the kind doctors and nurses that tended to me today. At no time did I ever feel rushed but I must admit I was surprised by the speed and efficiency of everyone.

I'm now laid up at home, doped up on pain killers, leaning on Mum and Grandma, milking the experience for everything I can.

The wee man has been brilliant. He obviously can't comprehend what has happened but he's definitely been treading more carefully.

In fact, speaking of treading, his Grandma has been encouraging him to slide around our living room floor. The wee lad has perfect timing. Just as I'm laid up with a busted knee, he's showing signs of crawling!

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