I Found You A Leaf
Ms. Corra daintily carrying a leaf around on our porch. She's been freaking me out all day. When I first woke up this morning, I noticed that as she was pacing around the room, there was the slightest hitch to her gait when she was putting her weight on her front right leg. After our morning walk, it was a little more pronounced. I asked Mr. Badger if he'd noticed whether she was limping last night, and he said no. All we could think of is that she yelped in the backseat on our drive back home last night ... but we don't know the cause. Her limp was getting progressively worse as the day went on. I checked her paws and her leg in case there was something stuck in it, no luck. She'd jump up onto her favorite spots, but when she wanted to get down, she'd stare at me from across the room and give little woofs. Very much not like her. And she passed out in her crate and would only move her eyes when I came over to see how she was doing. Didn't follow me around the house at all when I would go do a quick chore or bathroom run (very unlike her). I take her out for a quick evening walk, and she is dashing around with hard any limping at all -_- So I dunno. I'm going to keep my eye on her, I do not like it, but since she is (mostly) being quiet and calm about it, so hopefully whatever she did will heal up. Poor pup.
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