Last Bloom

Wetter in large.

This is the gerbera daisy plant that my husband gave me for Valentine's Day. I'd like to claim a green thumb for having kept this bugger alive since February... Heck, it was a house plant for more than 3 months and had to be transitioned to the out-of-doors... And it's October and the frost has graced us at least twice... I must be quite handy with plants, right? But can I really claim a green thumb when I left it for dead after that transition, when it wilted and nothing seemed to help. Can I take credit for its state today if I ignored it (for weeks days) after a dog dumped it over. I doubt the fact that I haven't watered it since August makes me a contender. No, this hardy plant's success has nothing to do me... It basically survived despite me.

More rain today; heavy, long, hard rain. I did sneak out between the downpours and shot this and a some wildlife. Other than this shot, I wasn't too pleased with today's bounty. However, I did spend some time chasing a flock of robins... they typically seem to hang out in small groups of 2 or 3 maybe but today there were a dozen or more around the park moving together from area to area. Among them was this handsome chap, a one legged American Robin. He didn't flit as much as the others, but did fine on the one leg.

Back inside, and the rain seems to be done for the night. It's predicted as another all day event tomorrow, but who knows? They could be wrong! :)

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