My Angle

By myangle

Lota Creek #3

This is the third installment in my Lota Creek Project. I got the idea for this image from looking at this image from Northern Exposure. I like the big sky. Not half an hour after I had taken this shot, all the clouds had gone for the day. I am pretty sure there is an old man living on this boat. I nearly managed to catch grab a chat with him yesterday. Rolling out of bed wouldn't be much fun. On the other hand with global warming and rising sea levels, he might be one step ahead of the rest of us who live in low lying areas.
This image had a lot of contrast between the ground and the sky. so I ended up extracting a channel in photoshop to get the result I wanted in black and white.
1/80th sec, f22, ISO200, 18-55mm Lens @ 18mm, tripod, Canon 350D

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