All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Great Scottish Run

Well, after yesterday being Ethan's first race, today was my first 10k race. I met up with my friends Jo and Lesley plus some of their friends beforehand and we all started together. Lost sight of Jo and her pals very quickly , running most of the race with Lesley and her friend. Unusually for me, the first 5 k or so were actually fairly easy. I only started flagging around. 8k. When the finish line was finally in sight, I started to sprint, but did so too early and started feeling rather sick! Made it though in a very respectable 1 hour, 1 minute and 36 seconds!

My parents were waiting for me and then had to figure out the quickest way round the road closures to get me to Braehead. Hubbie, Ethan and some of my pals and their kids were waiting there for me as we had tickets for Disney on Ice. Fortunately we made it in time, although I didn't have time to change anything other than my top, so I was a bit icky and sweaty during the show! Ethan really enjoyed it though so that's the main thing!

Back home via the Foreveryoungs to drop Ethan off for his Sunday sleepover and a quiet night in at home for an exhausted hubbie and I.

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