Brittany Rose

Brittany Rose...

She emerged 26 years ago...weighing in at just over 3 pounds. A she is.

Months later...she wasn't gaining weight. Failure to thrive...that's what they called it. she is.

Months after that...she was diagnosed with cerebal palsy, and fitted with the first of many leg braces.

They said she would never walk...but...walk she does. A walk down the stairs, and a walk down the aisle...she did tonight.

They said she would never play Little League...but play she did.

They said she would probably struggle with anything involved with learning. She graduated from Olivet University in Illinois, and recently got her Masters from Duke University.

I think you're probably getting the picture. Never...and I mean against this little sprite of a girl. She is just a wonderful human being, and I'm sure is going to be a wonderful wife.

I hope you can see through the airwaves that we are were a lot of other people tonight...including her proud parents. She does that to you. that...AND the best compliment I can give her.

Best of luck to little Brittany Rose. A special girl...a special woman...a special person...and now...a special bride and wife.

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