In the cool of the evening
Another lovely day up here in the frozen north. Katherine had a friend over after school so I set the kids up with paints outside where they could make all the mess they wanted (though they stretched the bounds even of what I thought they could do!) The girls were supposed to have Brownies this evening, but it turns out it hasn't started yet after the holidays, so it felt like we'd been gifted an extra hour.
We headed off for a walk up to the top of the village. The light was beautiful and I would happily have stayed up there until it was dark. The views over the Firth are wonderful, and the kids had great fun jumping about on, and rolling down the sides of this embankment, which I think has a big water-tank in it for watering the golf course. They invented a great new game of all rolling down the hill at the same time - all cuddling together. Seeing them all just laughing so they could hardly speak reminded me so strongly of summer evenings doing just the same with my brother and sister.
Must go up there more often. Maybe next time I'll put down the camera and roll down the hill myself.
EDIT: Having actually bothered putting some spare blips on flickr, I forgot to provide the link.
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