Over the Horizon

By overthehorizon

Poppy seed

Harvest day.

Yup, Friday is a harvest day, meaning everyone comes together to bring in the harvest for the whole farm in preparation for pickup by CSA members (community supported agriculture) and for the Saturday farmers market. Anything that is ready is harvested, sorted, rinsed, and laid in coolers or in bushels with allotments for CSA members. Harvest days also require being in the fields by 7:00am grabbing carrots, squash, lettuces, beets, cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes, and all number of other tasty vegetables. Bringing in the harvest and spending the afternoon weeding and helping move the cows. In the evening we went out to South Beach with some sixers of beer and had a big bonfire on the shore. Nestled round the fire sitting on washed up driftwood flotsam sharing stories and listening to the wind howl through the dune grass....

Have you ever seen where poppy seeds come from? I had never considered it before, but there I found the answer walking through the greenhouse staring back from a bushel full of dried seed pods. One of many things grown and harvested here.

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