What you lookin' at??

The darker side of our cute little friend, the chipmunk.

Chipmunks go through life thought of as cute, even adorable... They earn lots of "Aww's" and folks leave them little treats. But did you know that there is a dark-side to many chipmunks? The not-often-heard-about, lesser known, evil chippy does exist. Here, in a rare photographic moment, the cute chippy's alter ego was captured. They don't often display this behavior in public, as they would run the risk of loosing out on the many treats and and cushy surroundings we humans provide. It lasted only moments, then he vanished into thin air scurried out of sight. I was lucky to get away with my life... Just look at the evil eye I'm getting here!

Couldn't resist this shot... gave me the giggles. Isn't it interesting that a flash renders the chipmunk's eyes golden as opposed to red like a human's or grey/blue like a dog's?

Sleep with your lights on folks... you never know when one of these scary creatures will be lurking about!

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