A rubbish photo but wanted to post today.
I can hardly believe Eva will be one tomorrow. How on earth has that happened.
I can remember this time last year and how surreal it all felt trying to get through that last night after all the ups and downs we had throughout the pregnancy.
I remember going to the cinema to keep busy as we thought that we would go mad sat at home just waiting. I remember going to Sainsbury's afterwards to get a magazine to take into hospital in case there was a wait and buying about three and then just wandering round Sainsbury's at nearly midnight because I didn't want to go home because then I would have to go to bed and just lie there and wait!!
I've spent the night baking cakes and filling party bags ready for tomorrow. Looking forward to seeing all our family and friends to celebrate a whole year of Eva - the most perfect, precious little ray of sunshine we could have hoped for. We are truly blessed.
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