La rentrée

I feel that I should point out that this picture does not in any way represent how I’m feeling today but it was very much an emergency blip!

After a relatively uneventful drive, we arrived at Warwick and unpacked my life once more. Eventually there will be a time where I don’t move so much…but I guess it is just my age right now that lends itself to be constantly on the move (or so it seems). Met a few of my flatmates and had a chat while we were all fighting for the limited kitchen space (one cupboard each, like one cupboard door, not even a whole one!) although we do have quite a lot of fridge and freezer space I will admit. The room is lovely, and I’m sure I will show you it at some point in the near future when I can’t find anything else to take a photograph of.

As soon as we had unpacked and everything was pretty much sorted, my parents and I headed off to Thom’s parent’s house…a mere half an hour away in Wigston. I’m so lucky that it won’t be too difficult to go and visit him, as he is living in the centre of Leicester for university, when we both have the time and vice versa for him coming to me. We (and our respective parents) had decided it would be nice for them to meet each other, especially since I was going to Thom’s belated 21st family birthday party that evening and it was so much easier than me getting a bus and then a train to get there. Unfortunately my parents could only stay an hour, as they had to then travel t’up North…and that hour really did pass quickly. Probably because everyone was equally chatty! I know both of them would quite like to do it again.

Meeting the rest of Thom’s family was a little daunting really nice…everyone is really really lovely and made me feel so welcome. It probably helped that I already knew his parents and some of his siblings, but the rest of the family was as friendly as they are which really put me at ease. I spent the majority of the night chatting with his cousins, their girlfriends, as well as the occasional aunt and uncle. Coming from a relatively small family, of which the members are pretty spaced out…I am really not used to be family gatherings! I have been told by Thom that I will soon be a pro at them, as there a quite a lot of large gatherings in his family. Well, I very much enjoyed the first one…so here is to more to come!

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