Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

Dinosaurs and Fireball

I had planned to blip a pic of scenery on the road to Lithgow, but that got trumped by this super-cool piece of work by Miss 7. Please note that both the stegosaurus and T-Rex have their tails held properly, not dragging on the ground. There are not two suns in the sky, by the way; the yellow bit on the left side is the "fireball" of a meteor. The purple is a water-hole, in case you hadn't figured that. 8)

Larger look.

If you like you can look at the Lithgow pics. I couldn't decide which exposure I liked better, so there are two I've put on my Flickr. Hell, all the exposures were terrible, with the sky being over-exposed even when the ground became a big dark blob. Hence the B&Ws, so the blown-out highlights are more tolerable. Anyway, a little lighter, and a little darker.


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