Construction and Discussion
It is a day to
see some progress and bid
farewell to my friends.
~ carliewired
My day started at 7:15 AM with the front doorbell ringing. Then someone pounded on the front door, not once but twice. Without prior notice the crew to begin the repair on the hole in my driveway had arrived. They removed the surplus gravel, lay in the rebar and surrounded the afflicted area with cones and safety tape. Tomorrow, I am told, is the day the cement arrives.
My 11 AM meeting of my Sons of Norway Lodge was a cheery gathering. I received my pin that was lost to a breakin at my home over the past winter. It was in the jewellry box that left the premises. My lodge is sadly in decline. Some members have been lost to care homes and death. We've shrunk in numbers and ambition. Previously we met in the evenings but now most of us don't care to drive at night. Now we meet for a no-host lunch at a convenient restaurant. It is more social than anything else. I held the position as secretary for several years until my circumstances changed to take me away for months over the winter. I will not see this group again until spring. To be honest, I am not a "son" of Norway, but really a granddaughter of Finland!
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