Slings and Arrows...
Ele brought me flowers on Saturday and these strange blooms were among them. They remind me of arrows and have had me singing THIS all day.
I think Alan was glad to have his competent dad back doing his morning routine less chance of him getting deodorant sprayed in his eye! and he went off to school quite happily.
Was good to get the house to myself again. Got various bits and pieces done whilst awaiting the Tesco delivery. Sadly delivered today by a very grumpy driver who was half an hour late, had sore ribs so could hardly lift the crates and on top of that it was raining!
Alan got this school photo taken yesterday. I can't believe this will be his last ever school photo. His Primary 1 photo feels as though it was taken about 2 years ago!!!
I was dreading seeing what it would look like as his hair is about a month overdue a haircut (the local hairdresser has moved and we’ve not found another one yet!) and looks like a burst couch, as well looking like scar face after giving himself a massive scratch all across his right cheek with a ragged mail while he slept. To complete the picture, his nose is still producing snot at record rates so you can see why I wasn’t holding out much hope for a good shot.
Well, to my utter amazement, the shots are fab, so this afternoon I’ve been trying to decide which one to get. There are 6 portraits to choose from, all of them good. I have narrowed it down to two, one where he’s really laughing someone obviously said something massively inappropriate and one where he’s smiling his “hello ladies” charming smile. Think I’m going to get both.
In other news, I think I have carpal tunnel syndrome. Both my hands are aching and sore but my right one is worse. My thumb and fingers are numb and pins and needly and it’s making me slow and clumsy. Even typing this is taking an age and causing pain! I see another trip to the docs. Oh joy!
Happy Wednesday Peeps.
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