Rush Hour Traffic, Akaroa Highway Style...

Well the spring warmth is here, and it's a big hello to Mr Nor'West.

Canterbury's regular visitor at this time of year, the Nor'West winds occur on the leaward side of the alps, rushing across the plains at high speed and bringing warm dry wind that sometimes has been known to drive the locals a little bit crazy (not to mention give them a headache or two).

I found it quite weird when I first arrived in Canterbury from the UK, seeing these huge grey cloudy and threatening looking skies accompanied by warm temperatures and not a chance of immediate rain. Where I hail from, we like our grey skies wet, thanks very much.

So, with the warm breeze on our backs (propelling the truck towards home at a slightly greater amount of knots no doubt) it was great to see that our peak time traffic was its usual nightmare... ;-)

Grey skies without rain, and no traffic on the road at 6.00pm on a week night? Toto, we ain't in Kansas anymore....

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