Exit stage left

By NessD

The on the way back from the pub blip

Surprisingly no DOMS this morning which was a pleasant relief. However, the day started sluggishly after a rubbish night not sleeping. All plans out of the window but I did achieve a few things:

(1) admin up to date,
(2) calendar up to date with all the new show stuff, (3) ordered a rather "stylish" walker for after my injection (with a trade discount after a few phone calls),
(4) booked to see The Weir on my birthday :-), (5) chased a cheque after closing a bank account,
(6) a mound of washing and ironing,
(7) an evening in the pub playing ukelele.

I think some of the strands may have been addressed even if there was no movement on the career strand. I'll take that for today.


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