With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Better than hearts


and transport systems (xylem and phloem if you must, plus root hair cells)

The others were very gory, but it was great time for my budding doctors and vets to get their hands dirty.

Otherwise, things are getting pretty heated with the teacher strike in state schools, everyone being affected. I am getting to grips with my October timetable, for the few weeks that will last.

I have been having conversations with more and more of the local elderly population, I don't know how. All fascinating and I have invited two in to see how this house has changed since they knew it. Today it was a lovely lady Anotnia, who had a fall recently and was under strict instructions not to carry too much shopping home from the little supermarket. We caught up on the way back down road, whos mother and father in law owned it when she was a girl when it was a fizzy drink bottling and ice making factory. I knew some of this from Ramon, my other elderly friend who worked for them, but she added more details. She then told me a long story about her career as a seamstress and maker of 15 wedding dresses for the town belles, when weaving was becoming big business and the skilled girls were lured away to the factory. Then she told me of her sister's adventures to meet her husband in Costa Rica that resulted in chaos and a life so different to this wonderful town. I think I know someone who should chase some of these stories up. I would if I could devote more energy to it, but I am storing it all up if not. I love to get to the roots of it all and this house is beginning to feel a lot better for it.

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