
By Angelique

'In The Morning,when the moon is at it's rest,...'

You will find me at the time I love the best - as the song goes. Used to sing it many moons ago.

Was really surprised to see this flower out this morning, and against all the odds there are at least 6 more to flower. As it's not native to our shores, before the temperature drops to 7 degrees, I will bring it back into the conservatory. I'm sure you all know what it is - Morning Glory or Ipomea if you want to be correct.

Strange day emotionally. Matthew returned back to Longrun House, first day back at work and the weather was crap, I mean't to say dull and overcast!! In other words I didn't feel like doing anything.

It's now 21.45 and I have to rehearse a new song for us, called IF. Very well known, written by David Gates of Bread, but not one we have performed before. And as the BBC will be present on Friday at Milverton Music Club (radio not television, I'm pleased to say. Trying to look good, pull oneself in without the use of undergarments, and sound good, would be too much).

Of course they might not use my bit, depends what they are recording for. If they want folk music, then I'm cut!!

Mr A has had his first day back as well and made it back safely after playing on the M5.

Matthew told Phoebe he would see her again in 2 weeks time and they have really bonded well this holiday.

Hope your Monday has passed without trauma. All those travelling have done so safely and for those in pain, may you be blessed with peace and healing. Until we 'meet' again, may you be blessed X.

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