
By Angelique

" WE'LL KEEP A WELCOME IN ....." not the hillside!

But Wick House. There are quite a few B&B's in Stogumber, but the main place of hospitality is the above, Wick House. It is run by Sheila & Phillip Gibbs and has a very good reputation. They get regulars who come in for the shooting etc. season. And one party from the East especially come for the Barn Dance in January. It's actually a Wassail (look it up for those who have never heard of this pagan ritual) but I personally dont go in for dancing round an apple tree chanting whilst cider soaked bread is shot out of the tree by a shotgun!!!

The weather has been very dull and lifeless, bit like I have felt at times today, with the prospect of returning to work tomorrow. Mr A has felt even more so but for the sake of Matthew, still with us, we have had to keep it light and frothy!

Hope your Sunday has been more relaxing than mine and as we end September and go into the 4th quarter of this year (not mentioning the 'A ' word for fear of upsetting Mr Shorschi), I hope this year has been one to remember for good reasons and not bad.

We can all reflect on memories but I have found it is best to blot out the harsh ones and only dwell on the positives, otherwise it eats into you, like a cancer. Never harbour a grudge, leave that for others!!
Early rise for me tomorrow as I prepare to return Matthew to his care home with many emotions. Then plunge myself back into 'catch up' mode at work.

Sleep well, my happy blip friends, and until we 'speak' again, smile, it causes less wrinkles. And on that happy not - ZZZZZ

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