
By fennerpearson

One of the best things that ever happened to me was taking a Myers Briggs psychometric test. Not because of any insight it afforded me into my own behaviours but because it revealed to me that only getting things done as a deadline approaches is A Actual Thing and not an entirely personal failing. And Twitter has enabled me to meet up with lots of people who are similarly afflicted :-)

Don't get me wrong, when I am focussed, I can do work that I am very pleased with but if the deadline is not there, I can be distracted by, well, pretty much anything. However, writing a speech recently, waaaay in advance of the actual event I was speaking at, revealed to me the tranquility and bliss of getting things done in a timely manner.

Which isn't *quite* what happened today but I took myself off to The Royal - poor 'phone signal, limited wifi - and set up my 'office' here, paying my rent by means of buying breakfast (bacon roll), lunch (Royal Club sandwich) and a string of cafetières of coffee. Undistracted by 'phone calls and emails, I managed to get everything done in good time. Hurrah!

Actually, there was one brief distraction: looking out of the window, I saw a man waiting for a bus, who was leaning on my car. Mildly irritated, I made him jump by unlocking it using the remote :-)

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