Capital adventures

By marchmont


A day of bits and pieces - and a 'thank goodness for Amazon' day as I ordered, at the latest minute, snorkel gear, walking poles and surf shoes. Elsewhere, yesterday's leftover Innis and Gunn went in the slow cooker with beef for beef carbonade, a family ritual.

I baked the Christmas cake and later the pudding. I started amassing the things I need for the holiday and did another two loads of washing. The weather is still amazingly good and so 'good drying weather'. The trees are turning though, it's definitely autumnal.

I tried to speak to the KL2 but no luck, however later there was a message from #1 d in l with a photo of her first, and last she says, Marathon medal. Well done WH!

#2 son was away being an extra on a music video so it was after 4 before I arrived at the folks. All is not well there. Old age comes hard. But I took mum to the fruit shops and we had a chat. I have no answers.

Home to find #2 son sprawled in front of NFL on tv. Another ritual, our traditional Sunday family meal, when we were a family, was chicken and crumble. No point doing that when you're on your own but with me and the 'boy who lies around a lot and doesn't do much' it is worthwhile, so tonight we had chicken (albeit it M&S variety) and apple crumble. Then he went off to the other tv and I watched Ghost Singers.
Been a good weekend.

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