
By MrsFred

Memory lane.....

Had a pretty standard Sunday today, relaxed morning, caught up on Strictly, did a couple of modules of my course, did some washing, cleaning, cooking etc..... Then this evening Mr F had to go to collect his bike he has bought. As I'm clearly far superior to that idiot Jane on the TomTom, I came along for the ride. Plus I used to live close to where he was going when I was younger so knew the area better. On the way back I asked him to pass through the village where I lived, Ramsbottom. I wanted to have a look at the shop we used to own/live in. This was it, when it was ours it was a newsagents, I loved it. I had two big rooms to myself in the attic, and it was part of some of my happier times as a kid. It was where I had my first jobs, working in the shop and doing paper rounds....and I was only 11!! I used to feel so rich with my "wages", and the village was such a nice place I was allowed on my bike from one end to the other, a good couple of miles. Now clearly I'm not THAT old but it does feel like ancient times compared to how my children are now, I barely let them off the street and not one of them have ever been able to get a "pocket money" job, due to ridiculous health and safety/insurance issues everywhere you's a shame, because I do think in both respects they miss out, I loved having my own independence and feeling so grown up.....

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