Standing on guard!!

This is one of the parent Canada Geese down at the pond. The family that I have followed all summer still have 6 offspring who are now a similar size to their parents.

I can only tell who’s who by their behaviour. The “babies” come running when I appear and stand about 6-12 inches from my knees when I’m sitting on the bench. The parents stand guard and see off any other geese or ducks who try to invade the space between them and me. The “babies” take the food from my hand.

Today’s session was difficult. The light was fading and I was trying to juggle the camera, the pot of seed, the last few slices of bread out of the cupboard and the plastic bag. Needless to say the geese were too close to photograph.

Today D & I went over to Braintree to a garden centre and to Freeport. We had a very productive shopping session!!

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