Solo sailing...

"Go, go!" the daughter instructed to try to prevent the tears of the mother.
She didn't cry, the mother, not because she was cold and hard, but because she knew it would do neither of them any good.
It was time...the next adventure, for both of them.

The girl, moving out and on to further education. The mother, taking hold of her life for herself and discovering that the world is a beautiful place.

Still, not easy. The preparation, the nerves, the worry, the unpacking, the walking away. But all will be well. Text messages will be sent back and forth, phone calls, visits. It's a whole new level of excitement.

Tough on both sides, yet the process adds so much strength to them both as people. The relationship will change, true, but will ultimately bring them closer together.

It is time. Their time. Her time.


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