Milk Tasting

Another of an occasional series of drink tasting sessions. A, Mr&MrsB and MrC now have the perfect Pimms cracked and we moved on to "Pisang Ambon" a bilious green liquid originating from Indonesia but made in Holland. Mr&MrsB were in Holland last week for a few days but hadn't been introduced to the stuff.

As the notebook battery was empty we couldn't check out for cocktail recipes and went along with a suggestion on the bottle - 1 part Pisang Ambon to 3 parts milk!
Well yes! It's no wonder I've had the bottle for over 20 years and there is still enough to do several more tasting sessions. Only on checking the www later did I discover the taste is supposed to be of banana. Somehow the awful green colour puts one off wanting to drink it. It also seems 95% of recipes for the stuff use milk.

All agreed not to rush down to the supermarket to buy a bottle. So for the next session we move along the alphabet to "Port". Looking forward to that.

Something had gone wrong in the dinner preparation communication and I failed to deliver a pud. Tried to get myself out of it quickly by making a Zabaglione but then discovered I had used all the Marsala. Angie saved the day by producing some cheese and grapes. I tried explaining Carr's Water Biscuits but that just produced frowns. So many things I can't get in a normal supermarket. Starts with Angostura, then Branston pickles, Camp Coffee, Colmans Mustard Powder, Curry powder (real Indian) and that's only A, B & C. On Friday tried making a Branston pickle and couldn't find a swede - even the manager of a largish supermarket didn't know what the things were having to look it up on his mobile and only a very few people vaguely know what it is. Probably more in northern Germany. No Cross & Blackwell gravy browning either. Have made a few kilos of a light brown something which is now ripening in the cellar for a few weeks before trying it out with some cheddar, if I can find some.

Hope all have a good Sunday.

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