This is a Low
Somewhere in this shot is a huge dragonfly. It's been flying around our terrace for a few weeks now - I think it thinks the weedstop fabric we've put down under the table is a big pond and it's trying to lay eggs. My sole photographic venture was taking very blurry pictures of it flying around. I did think I already had a photo of conkers in the bag, but that turns out to have been yesterday, so you're stuck with an imaginary insect instead.
Busy day. Meeting this afternoon with the treasurer of our co-ownership group to help me (ostensibly) understand the on-line accounting system we have access to and (really) understand where the heck all the money's gone. Some progress.
Later there was a proper meeting of everyone, which went on for a very long time, but was at least lubricated with some tasty cider. I think I talked everyone out of something daft and expensive, and as always I learned many new words in French, but mostly I just get about 50% of what's going on and hope not to miss anything important...
When I finally stumbled back home through the dark (lighting was on the agenda....) Mr B was home, and had put the kids to bed. A quick de-brief (calm down at the back - I mean talking about our weeks) and bed.
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