In the pink
Feeling much better today, so I set too to catch up on the jobs that had been left to one side earlier in the week. That, along with a wander around town in the sunshine - buying bread and ambling along under the big shady trees munching on the baguette ends - brought a much happier frame of mind. A long chat with the nice lady in the flower shop, and an even longer one with the lady in the taxi office made it an almost sociable day. A blipper on holiday in the area was going to try to pop by, but in the end was lured away by sunshine and World Heritage Sites. Fair enough really!
Thursday is the one day when we have nothing to do after school, so we all had a relaxing time hanging out. Felt a bit like a holiday really. And I caught the end of this rather lovely sunset while I was out tucking the plants up for the night (against cats digging up seedlings, rather than frost).
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