My Best Efforts - Year 3


Cool Coot .........

...........I have never seen one actually in the village before as I thought they needed more open water than our beck (stream) so I had to take a photo of him - not very exciting but wanted a record of his visit!
This what "The Book" says about the Coot:

"The Coot (Fulica atra) is a very common wading bird. It is about the size of a chicken, black or dark grey with yellow lobate feet, and has a very distinctive white spot above the likewise white beak. The coot lives mostly in lakes and moors with dense vegetation for nesting and enough water plants for nutrition. The habitat must have a minimum of open water. Outside the breeding season it can be seen in large flocks, also in coastal and brackish waters.It eats water plants it picks from the bottom, usually close to the vegetation, or it grazes on land close the waters edge."

Quite a decent morning - sun and cloud - temperature at around 53.Deg.F. - won't be bad if it remains like this for the weekend!

Have a good Saturday and Sunday, everyone!

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