Produce for People
I love our city's community garden program (known in the UK as allotments). I especially love that many of the gardeners donate excess produce to a program that ensures that people who can't afford fresh produce have access to it. How cool is that?
From their website: Our Produce for People (PFP) program, which sprouted in 1995 to combat Portland's high poverty rate, is a grassroots effort in which community gardeners turn their ability to produce food into an opportunity to fulfill the needs of the hungry. In concert with hunger relief agencies, the program seeks to provide Portland's emergency food shelters with fresh, nutritious, organic, locally grown food. Contact the Community Gardens Office to inquire if there is an existing Produce for People program at your garden site.
There's a video on this page from a news program that tells about PFP. Makes me proud to be a Portlander.
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