Trial and Error

By DawnC

No Fishing

I had a few chores to do in Petersfield this afternoon so I treated myself to a quick wander round the Heath. This law abiding Canada goose had just noticed the 'no fishing area' sign on the edge and leapt out of the lake. Although mainly herbivorous, Canada geese (and, I assume, geese generally) do sometimes eat fish.

Thanks for all the kind comments yesterday; it was a bit like having a blipday all over again! While nobody in Petersfield came up to me t0day and asked for my autograph, I did have one amusing encounter. As I was walking round the Heath with my camera an older couple walking their dog were coming towards me. The man suddenly stopped and struck the Usain Bolt lightening pose. I looked at him quizzically, raising an eyebrow. He then relaxed, laughed and said, "I thought you were looking for photo opportunities". I laughed and said he was too quick for me. A while later I passed the same couple again on the other side of the lake and as we passed the man laughed again and said, "Another missed opportunity". People can be funny :)

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