Collecting Moments

By AudreyJ

It's all about.......


These handprints were taken when Aiden was 3years old, it's not that I'd forgotten to have then done earlier, but when Aiden was just 9months old, she had her first ever fever convulsion, and from then onwards between having more febrile convulstions and a couple of petite mal seizures then visiting Drs, Hospitals and Neurologists, life just seemed to STOP for everything else for quite some time.

It was a tense time, I needed answers, I was scared and I didn't want her to ever experience another one again. Fortunately, she's been seizure-free for a good few years now, but those fears and memories come flooding back every time she has a raised temperature, which happens every time she has some kind of illness, and that's when I go into 'High Alert', do not leave her side for a moment and do everything in my power to stop that fever from spiking suddenly.

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